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Not Dying, does not a survival game make.

Welcome, I hope I was able to help you in some way. I do apologize for having ads, but currently this is the only way I can try and offset my costs. I do enjoy helping people with server setups, and trying to find their new favorite game, so I am not trying to purchase a new Ferrari, just cover the cost of the website, software, and hopefully the cost of some games. Small content creators like myself have to really spend a lot of time trying to get access to games to review. This is much easier when you have 100k subscribers on YouTube. Anyway, Again if I was able to help you in such a way you would like to donate, I have a couple options below.

New Patreon Membership available. For those survivors who join patreon, We will have access to survival gaming club servers, most likely hosted by Survival Servers when possible. Everytime we have enough members we will open a server for a new game that only patreons can join. There are different levels available so that people should be able to play on a private server regardless of income. Patreons will will decide the server, map, and rules based on a vote. Please have some patients in getting these setup, as well as any changes that need to be made. I am new with all this.

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