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Stranded Deep

We Love Games Like Stranded Deep

I Love survival games, I really enjoy games like Stranded Deep. If you enjoy games similar to Stranded Deep, then check out the following page. I list all the gameplay elements of Stranded Deep and at the bottom of the page is a list of survival games with similar gameplay elements.

Full Release Title

Stranded Deep released on 08/10/2022 it has had some updates.


Game Engine

Stranded Deep is built with the Unity Engine. 

Survival Elements

Stranded Deep in normal mode is survival light, you will need to maintain your food and water and if you don’t it could kill you but it will take a very very long time. 

The wildlife is your main foe, and best source of food.

Food and water need to be maintained but you have lots of time to address it. 

You could drown quiet easily.

Heat and cold need to be monitored but they are easy enough to manage.

Base Building 

Stranded Deep has all the standard base building options. There are multiple types of materials from sticks to Steel. 


Stranded Deep has a good selection of crafting items to help with your survival. 


You will need to gather some items with various tools, but the vast majority of items will come from looting. 


Combat, Main Enemy Types

Combat consists of animals, the islands are a zombie, Mutant, Alien free zone. 

Characters and Leveling

Stranded Deep doesn’t let you select a character. There is a type of leveling system but it basicly just consists of the more you do something the better you get at it, allowing for more leeway or faster “insert action here”. 

Creature Taming and Mounts

There is no creature taming or mounts. You do have a raft to travel from island to island. Later there is another vehicle you can craft. 

Weather Impacts on Gameplay

The game has cool weather, it can have an effect on traveling and also on your character but doesn’t directly try to kill you. 

Game Modes

Normal, Hard, and Creative modes.


Stranded deep uses procedural generated maps, and you can make or download custom islands as well. 

Over Gameplay Difficulty

Stranded Deep on normal is not overly challenging, You will die on occasion, but once you have spent some time in the game you will have a good handle on how to live. 

Game Summary

Stranded Deep is a survival game developed by Australian studio Beam Team Games. The game places players in the shoes of a plane crash survivor stranded on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean.

The game’s main objective is to survive by gathering resources like food, water, and building materials while avoiding dangerous wildlife, harsh weather conditions, and various other challenges.

One of the standout features of Stranded Deep is its realistic survival mechanics. Players must monitor their hunger, thirst, and health, and carefully manage their resources to avoid starvation, dehydration, and injury. The game also features a dynamic weather system that affects gameplay, with storms, high waves, and other environmental factors posing a constant threat.

The crafting system is also well-implemented, with a variety of tools, weapons, and structures available for players to create. The game’s exploration elements are also engaging, with a vast ocean to navigate and various islands to discover.

Graphically, the game is visually impressive, with a beautiful and immersive tropical setting that feels realistic and detailed. The sound design is also top-notch, with ambient sound effects and a haunting soundtrack that perfectly captures the feeling of isolation and danger.

However, the game’s main drawback is its lack of variety in gameplay. While the survival mechanics are well-executed, the gameplay loop can become repetitive over time, and there are only a limited number of enemy types and items to craft.

In conclusion, Stranded Deep is an excellent survival game that offers a realistic and engaging gameplay experience. While the game’s lack of variety can be a downside, the game’s immersive setting, survival mechanics, and crafting system make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

System Specs


    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: X64 Quad Core CPU 2.0GHz+
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 2GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 4 GB available space


    • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor: X64 Quad Core CPU 3.0GHz+
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 4GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 4 GB available space

Available on

Check out Granddaddy gamer and Stranded Deep on YouTube.

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