I Love survival games, I really enjoy games like Above Snakes. If you enjoy games similar to Above Snakes, then check out the following page. I list all the gameplay elements of Above Snakes and at the bottom of the page is a list of survival games with similar gameplay elements.
Above Snakes released on 08/25/2023 and has had several updates.
Above Snakes was developed in Unity.
This game was developed by a small team who are currently working on a new project. The have had a couple updates since the game went full release, it is unknown what level of update support they have planned.
There are no survival elements, you can run completely out of food and drink as an example and you will not take any health damage.
The game has custom base building.
You will be crafting all the items you need. Weapons, Clothes, Workbenches etc.
looting is light, most “looting” will come in the form of resource gathering.
Zombies, but even those are few and far between, unless you are wandering around at night.
There is no character creation and no leveling.
There are no mounts, and no taming.
The weather had no impact on gameplay, I did not make it to warm and cold climates, there is a slight chance clothes will need to be adjusted when getting to these.
There are a couple of modes, Adventure and Exploration. Adventure mode is more linear with a tutorial, and exploration lets you give it a go if you already know what you are doing.
This game features a map that is hand crafted by YOU!
The game is very easy to play. There is very little challenge overall and would make a good “second screen” game.
Available on
Check out MyUsualMe and Above Snakes on YouTube.
The following games have these gameplay features. Although most survival games have all these elements and more, you should find that overall you would be playing very similar mechanics but with different graphical assets.
Base Building, Single Player, Crafting, Zombies
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