I Love survival games, I really enjoy games like Ima Survivor. If you enjoy games similar to Ima Survivor, then check out the following page. Which lists all the gameplay elements of Ima Survivor and at the bottom of the page is a list of survival games with similar gameplay elements.
Note: This is a fully released title, the creator(s) have 60 games on steam all for .99. This game is very likely to never receive an update or bug fix.
Combat System (Various types of weapons, Unarmed, Tools)
Ranged Weapons System
Skill Tree System & Character Leveling System
Save & Load System
Building System (Placeable Interactive Structures & Decorations)
Radial Menu System
Fishing System
Gardening & Farming System with plant growing stages, various crop plots and vegetables
Animals & Breeding System (Hen, Rooster, Chick, Pig, Swine, Piglet)
Advanced Inventory and Crafting System with timing queue
HUD & UI & Hotbar System
Backpack System
Item Durability & Repair System
Resource System (Tree Сhopping & Mining)
Survival Stats (Health, Hunger, Thirst, Oxygen)
Game Settings System (Graphics, Inputs, Game, Audio)
Mini & Global Map System
Swimming & Diving System
Loot Spawning System
Advanced Ability System
Player Respawn System
Advanced Damage System
Torch System
Available on
Check out Play Big or Die and Ima Survivor on YouTube.
The following games have these gameplay features. Although most survival games have all these elements and more, you should find that overall you would be playing very similar mechanics but with different graphical assets.
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