Surroundead Beginner Guide
SurrounDead Guide Warning, This beginner guide contains minor spoilers. IF you want to play without knowing anything about gameplay than I suggest you try the game without this and come back if you choose. These are some of the things I struggled with when starting out in SurrounDead Items Once you have a weapon equipped […]
No One Survived Beginner Guide
No One Survived Beginner Guide NO One Survived, Not Even Me. When I started playing No One Survived, I ran into a few issues, that I struggled with. You are here because you either A. don’t want to struggle, or B. are having some of the same issues. Very Important First and foremost check your […]
The Forest Tips and Tricks
The Forest Tips and Tricks, How to Survive Your First Few Nights Having trouble? Here are The Forest tips and tricks I usually use when trying to survive The Forest. When you find yourself having trouble surviving your first few nights, make sure you are doing these things. They are not in order, depending on […]
Escape the Pacific Beginner Guide
Escape the Pacific Beginner Guide Warning, This beginner guide contains minor spoilers. IF you want to play without knowing anything about gameplay than I suggest you try the game without this and come back if you choose. The Island The first thing to make sure of when you are starting a new game, is that […]