Hi All, I am your average PC Gamer. I have been playing PC games since 1991. My first game was In the Sir-Tech Wizardry series. I played on a high tech Tandy 1000, PC with its own operating system and a whopping 1 MEG of ram. Eventually I upgraded to 3 megs with 2 one meg ram sticks that cost over 500.00. Money I defiantly did not have, but I was hooked and have been hooked ever since. After playing MMO’s and FPS for decades starting with EQ1 and Quake, I have found survival games. For the past several years these have been my games of choice. Personally I enjoy the ones that are very difficult the most. The sense of accomplishment is very rewarding in itself. I have been tracking these games and trying to find new ones constantly. Then it occurred to me there is no single source for these games. The only way to find new games was to surf pages for hours, or watch “top 10 games for 2023” videos which all had the same games listed. My intention is to get these all listed in one place for people to find new games and match up the features they are looking for. This, with any luck will be a never ending endeavor with consistent new releases. I hope you are able to enjoy this resource and if there is anything you would like to see added to the site please let me know.
Eric AKA Mantase Faitholder
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